Of Constancy in Goodness
Who feares disgrace for things wel done, that knows it?
Wrong euer does most harme to him that does it.
Who more ioy takes, that men his good aduance,
Then in the good it selfe, does it by chance:
That being the worke of others; this his owne.
In all these actions therefore that are common,
Men neuer should for praise or dispraise care,
But looke to the Decrees, from whence they are.
Wrong euer does most harme to him that does it.
Who more ioy takes, that men his good aduance,
Then in the good it selfe, does it by chance:
That being the worke of others; this his owne.
In all these actions therefore that are common,
Men neuer should for praise or dispraise care,
But looke to the Decrees, from whence they are.
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