
When deceitfull lovers lay
At thy feet their suppliant hearts
And their snares spread to betray
Thy best treasure with their arts,
Credit not their flatt'ring vows,
Love such perjurie allowes.

When they with the choicest wealth
Nature boasts of have possest thee,
When with flowers (their verses stealth)
Stars, or jewels they invest thee,
Trust not to their borrow'd store,
Tis but lent to make thee poore.

When with Poems they invade thee,
Sing thy prayses or disdain,
When they weep and would perswade thee
That their flames beget that rain;
Let thy breast no baits let in,
Mercy's onely here a sin.

Let no teares or offerings move thee,
All those cunning charmes avoid,
For that wealth for which they love thee,
They would slight if once enjoy'd;
Who would keep anothers heart,
With her own must never part.
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