The Court of Venus
Where the fair Paphian Goddess kept her Court,
Where the Loves wanton, and the Graces sport;
A tow'ring Mountain lifts its lofty Brow,
And bends with Pleasure o'er the Plains below;
O'er distant, blue-retiring Hills surveys
Its Shadows floating in Ionian Seas;
The Top impervious, all Access denies,
Tires the faint Foot, and dims the dizzy Eyes:
No fierce, inclement Winter shivers here,
No blasting Seasons nip the blooming Year,
No smoaking Mists, nor foggy Damps arise,
Hang o'er the Hills, or sail along the Skies;
But an untainted Æther shines serene,
And sheds its Influence on the smiling Scene;
Eternal Sweets the wafting Breezes bring,
And whisper out an everlasting Spring.
This pleasurable Mountain by Degrees,
Sinks in a Level, to salute your Eyes;
Where Joy, succeeding Joy, for ever new,
For ever rising to the ravish'd View,
The wand'ring Sight with sweet Amusement leads
Thro' golden Groves, and ever-living Meads.
These were the Gifts, his Gratitude to prove,
Vulcan bestow'd upon the Queen of Love;
For these, the Queen of Love, resign'd her Charms,
And over-sold the Heaven in her Arms.
Here, a soft Grove its cooly Shade affords,
Fann'd by the Musick of the warbling Birds;
To this, the Sylvan Choristers resort,
Hop on the Boughs, and to the Breezes sport:
The Queen of Love, amid the tuneful Throng,
With gracious Smiles rewards the fav'rite Song;
Elects the worthy Tenant of the Grove,
And dedicates him to the God of Love.
Embow'ring Trees the mingled Shade compose,
That imitates the Fair, for whom it grows;
With complicating Poplars, Poplars twine,
With spreading Alders , spreading Alders join:
Majestick Elms with bending Foliage flow,
Float in green Waves, and fan the Shades below;
The Shades below, the cooling Gale receive,
And rising, with the cooling Gale, revive:
Two diff'rent Rivers murmur thro' the Grove,
Two fatal Contrarieties in Love!
This, sweet as mutual Joy in youthful Veins,
That, bitter, as a dying Lover's Pains:
Conscious, the Streams, each other seem to shun,
But, in Meanders lost, too soon are One!
Dipt in these fabied Waves, Love's fatal Dart,
Stings the distracted Soul, to sooth the Heart;
To these, their double Pow'r his Arrows owe,
Soft-pleasing Joys, and sad consuming Woe.
Rang'd on the Banks, the little Loves resort,
Plight fancy'd Oaths, and bend their Bow's in sport;
These, tender Nymphs produc'd, a blooming Race!
And left their Virgin Image on their Face.
Their ruddy Cheeks their Parents Charms proclaim,
Alike their Habit, and their Look the same:
O'er all these Troops, presides the God of Love,
A God, whom all the Gods revere above;
Sprung from the Mother, and the Queen of Charms,
He shines distinguish'd in superior Arms;
His cogent Power e'en Deities controuls,
And awes the Thunderer, that awes the Poles;
On Earth, he triumphs o'er a Monarch's Cares,
And blasts the Laurel, which the Thunder spares:
In Woods, and Groves, th'inferiour Archers reign,
Contented with the Conquests of the Plain.
Close by the Streams, in fatal Pomp array'd,
Love's wild romantick Equipage is laid:
Here lawless Liberty for ever roves,
For ever Riots in Excess of Loves;
Inflam'd with Wine, distracted Rage appears,
But soon dissolves in self-accusing Tears.
Here warming Whispers propagate Replies,
Sweet-melting Murmurs, soft-consenting Sighs;
With all the Eloquence that Hearts confess,
With all the Harmony that Eyes express:
There young Desires their tasted Joys pursue,
Pleas'd with the past, and panting for the new;
When strange Chimeras on a sudden rise,
Shift the false Scene, and intercept their Eyes;
Tormenting Jealousies, uneasy Cares,
Dissembling Hopes, imaginary Fears;
Accusing Crimes of ill-requited Love,
And breaking Vows re-echo thro' the Grove.
Full in the midst, with nice becoming Grace,
Stood Youth, too conscious of his comely Face;
Proud of his nervous Strength, and vig'rous Veins,
With Pain, his Blood the luscious Tide contains;
With haughty Smiles he mocks declining Age,
His starv'd Enjoyments, and dissembled Rage;
The wither'd Crone avoids him with Remorse,
And sickens at the Thought of, Once he was —
Proud o'er the Grovesa glitt'ring Dome ascends,
Rich with the Labour of Vulcanian Hands;
Thro' the green Ranks, the darting Lustre streams,
And the Shades kindle with reflected Flames;
This Master-Piece of Skill, the Lemnian God,
On his fair Spouse, a worthy Gift, bestow'd.
Immortal Monuments of Art support
The vast Foundations of each ample Court,
On Diamond Pillars, Diamond Pillars rise
At once invade, and emulate the Skies;
Pelucid Crystal clarifies each Stone,
And by excluding, makes a double Sun;
In Oval Steps the wavy Topaz roll'd,
Gleams by Reflexion on the valving Gold;
Each Stone conspires its emulating Rays,
Glitter the Beryls , and the Rubies blaze;
Carv'd Saphirs melt in undulating Flame,
And drink the lucid Amber 's fainter Stream.
Here spacious Greens, reviving Areas rise,
And with a milder Scene refresh the Eyes;
Thro' Cassia Groves ambrosial Breezes breathe,
And steal the aromatick Sweets beneath;
There, soft, inferiour Shades of Myrtle grow,
And Lillies, blushing as the Roses glow;
Dissolv'd with Joy, the trickling Balm runs o'er,
And the sweet Tears distil at every Pore.
But now, his Journey past, the God of Love,
With joyful Steps approach'd his native Grove;
And now he re-assumes a solemn Pace,
He moves with Majesty, and looks with Grace.
It happen'd then, with future Joys elate,
His Goddess-Mother at her Toilet sate;
On either Side, th' Idalian Sisters stand,
Proud of the smiling Goddesses command;
These scatter Odours o'er the fragrant Fair,
Those thread the mazy Tendrils of her Hair;
Part exercise the nice correcting Comb,
Smooth the soft Curles, and call the Straglers home,
The comely Fav'rites, by a nice Design,
They leave to sport, and wanton with the Wind,
The comely Fav'rites, with adorning Grace
Wave on the Breeze, and flow upon her Face,
With cooling Airs create an easy Pride,
And, but increase the Charms, they strive to hide:
No Glasses here, deluding Lights supply,
The brilliant Diamond, guides the judging Eye;
For as the Goddess moves new Mirrours rise,
And catch augmenting Splendors from her Eyes;
As to the multiplying Stones she turns,
In all she dances, and in all she burns.
But, Lo! a sudden Scene of Glory fires
Her rising Soul, and breathes more gay Desires;
Her Son's reflected Image she surveys,
With trembling Joys, she turns to prove the Rays;
But turning, conscious of her only Son,
Into the bloomy Boy's Embraces run,
Receives him panting at unfolding Charms,
And hugs the little Darling in her Arms.
Where the Loves wanton, and the Graces sport;
A tow'ring Mountain lifts its lofty Brow,
And bends with Pleasure o'er the Plains below;
O'er distant, blue-retiring Hills surveys
Its Shadows floating in Ionian Seas;
The Top impervious, all Access denies,
Tires the faint Foot, and dims the dizzy Eyes:
No fierce, inclement Winter shivers here,
No blasting Seasons nip the blooming Year,
No smoaking Mists, nor foggy Damps arise,
Hang o'er the Hills, or sail along the Skies;
But an untainted Æther shines serene,
And sheds its Influence on the smiling Scene;
Eternal Sweets the wafting Breezes bring,
And whisper out an everlasting Spring.
This pleasurable Mountain by Degrees,
Sinks in a Level, to salute your Eyes;
Where Joy, succeeding Joy, for ever new,
For ever rising to the ravish'd View,
The wand'ring Sight with sweet Amusement leads
Thro' golden Groves, and ever-living Meads.
These were the Gifts, his Gratitude to prove,
Vulcan bestow'd upon the Queen of Love;
For these, the Queen of Love, resign'd her Charms,
And over-sold the Heaven in her Arms.
Here, a soft Grove its cooly Shade affords,
Fann'd by the Musick of the warbling Birds;
To this, the Sylvan Choristers resort,
Hop on the Boughs, and to the Breezes sport:
The Queen of Love, amid the tuneful Throng,
With gracious Smiles rewards the fav'rite Song;
Elects the worthy Tenant of the Grove,
And dedicates him to the God of Love.
Embow'ring Trees the mingled Shade compose,
That imitates the Fair, for whom it grows;
With complicating Poplars, Poplars twine,
With spreading Alders , spreading Alders join:
Majestick Elms with bending Foliage flow,
Float in green Waves, and fan the Shades below;
The Shades below, the cooling Gale receive,
And rising, with the cooling Gale, revive:
Two diff'rent Rivers murmur thro' the Grove,
Two fatal Contrarieties in Love!
This, sweet as mutual Joy in youthful Veins,
That, bitter, as a dying Lover's Pains:
Conscious, the Streams, each other seem to shun,
But, in Meanders lost, too soon are One!
Dipt in these fabied Waves, Love's fatal Dart,
Stings the distracted Soul, to sooth the Heart;
To these, their double Pow'r his Arrows owe,
Soft-pleasing Joys, and sad consuming Woe.
Rang'd on the Banks, the little Loves resort,
Plight fancy'd Oaths, and bend their Bow's in sport;
These, tender Nymphs produc'd, a blooming Race!
And left their Virgin Image on their Face.
Their ruddy Cheeks their Parents Charms proclaim,
Alike their Habit, and their Look the same:
O'er all these Troops, presides the God of Love,
A God, whom all the Gods revere above;
Sprung from the Mother, and the Queen of Charms,
He shines distinguish'd in superior Arms;
His cogent Power e'en Deities controuls,
And awes the Thunderer, that awes the Poles;
On Earth, he triumphs o'er a Monarch's Cares,
And blasts the Laurel, which the Thunder spares:
In Woods, and Groves, th'inferiour Archers reign,
Contented with the Conquests of the Plain.
Close by the Streams, in fatal Pomp array'd,
Love's wild romantick Equipage is laid:
Here lawless Liberty for ever roves,
For ever Riots in Excess of Loves;
Inflam'd with Wine, distracted Rage appears,
But soon dissolves in self-accusing Tears.
Here warming Whispers propagate Replies,
Sweet-melting Murmurs, soft-consenting Sighs;
With all the Eloquence that Hearts confess,
With all the Harmony that Eyes express:
There young Desires their tasted Joys pursue,
Pleas'd with the past, and panting for the new;
When strange Chimeras on a sudden rise,
Shift the false Scene, and intercept their Eyes;
Tormenting Jealousies, uneasy Cares,
Dissembling Hopes, imaginary Fears;
Accusing Crimes of ill-requited Love,
And breaking Vows re-echo thro' the Grove.
Full in the midst, with nice becoming Grace,
Stood Youth, too conscious of his comely Face;
Proud of his nervous Strength, and vig'rous Veins,
With Pain, his Blood the luscious Tide contains;
With haughty Smiles he mocks declining Age,
His starv'd Enjoyments, and dissembled Rage;
The wither'd Crone avoids him with Remorse,
And sickens at the Thought of, Once he was —
Proud o'er the Grovesa glitt'ring Dome ascends,
Rich with the Labour of Vulcanian Hands;
Thro' the green Ranks, the darting Lustre streams,
And the Shades kindle with reflected Flames;
This Master-Piece of Skill, the Lemnian God,
On his fair Spouse, a worthy Gift, bestow'd.
Immortal Monuments of Art support
The vast Foundations of each ample Court,
On Diamond Pillars, Diamond Pillars rise
At once invade, and emulate the Skies;
Pelucid Crystal clarifies each Stone,
And by excluding, makes a double Sun;
In Oval Steps the wavy Topaz roll'd,
Gleams by Reflexion on the valving Gold;
Each Stone conspires its emulating Rays,
Glitter the Beryls , and the Rubies blaze;
Carv'd Saphirs melt in undulating Flame,
And drink the lucid Amber 's fainter Stream.
Here spacious Greens, reviving Areas rise,
And with a milder Scene refresh the Eyes;
Thro' Cassia Groves ambrosial Breezes breathe,
And steal the aromatick Sweets beneath;
There, soft, inferiour Shades of Myrtle grow,
And Lillies, blushing as the Roses glow;
Dissolv'd with Joy, the trickling Balm runs o'er,
And the sweet Tears distil at every Pore.
But now, his Journey past, the God of Love,
With joyful Steps approach'd his native Grove;
And now he re-assumes a solemn Pace,
He moves with Majesty, and looks with Grace.
It happen'd then, with future Joys elate,
His Goddess-Mother at her Toilet sate;
On either Side, th' Idalian Sisters stand,
Proud of the smiling Goddesses command;
These scatter Odours o'er the fragrant Fair,
Those thread the mazy Tendrils of her Hair;
Part exercise the nice correcting Comb,
Smooth the soft Curles, and call the Straglers home,
The comely Fav'rites, by a nice Design,
They leave to sport, and wanton with the Wind,
The comely Fav'rites, with adorning Grace
Wave on the Breeze, and flow upon her Face,
With cooling Airs create an easy Pride,
And, but increase the Charms, they strive to hide:
No Glasses here, deluding Lights supply,
The brilliant Diamond, guides the judging Eye;
For as the Goddess moves new Mirrours rise,
And catch augmenting Splendors from her Eyes;
As to the multiplying Stones she turns,
In all she dances, and in all she burns.
But, Lo! a sudden Scene of Glory fires
Her rising Soul, and breathes more gay Desires;
Her Son's reflected Image she surveys,
With trembling Joys, she turns to prove the Rays;
But turning, conscious of her only Son,
Into the bloomy Boy's Embraces run,
Receives him panting at unfolding Charms,
And hugs the little Darling in her Arms.
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