Cow Boy's Lament

'Twas once in my saddle I used to be happy
  'twas once in my saddle I used to be gay
But I first took to drinking, then to gambling
  A shot from a six-shooter took my life away.

My curse let it rest, let it rest on the fair one
  Who drove me from friends that I loved and from home
Who told me she loved me, just to deceive me
  My curse rest upon her, wherever she roam.

Oh she was fair, O she was lovely
  The belle of the Village the fairest of all
But her heart was as cold as the snow on the mountains
  She gave me up for the glitter of gold.

I arrived in Galveston in old Texas
  Drinking and gambling I went to give o'er
But, I met with a Greaser and my life he has finished
  Home and relations I ne'er shall see more.

Send for my father, Oh send for my mother
 Send for the surgeon to look at my wounds
But I fear it is useless I feel I am dying
 I'm a young cow-boy cut down in my bloom.

Farewell my friends, farewell my relations
 My earthly career has cost me sore
The cow-boy ceased talking, they knew he was dying
 His trials on earth, forever were o'er.


Beat your drums lightly, play your fifes merrily
 Sing your death march as you bear me along
Take me to the grave yard, lay the sod o'er me
 I'm a young cow-boy and know I've done wrong.
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