A Creature for Feature

A creature, for feature I neu er saw a fairer,
soe witty, soe prettye, I neu er knew a rarer;
shee soe kind, & I soe blynd,
tha t I may say another day
" I did complaine, & I mett a swaine,
but [he] knew not how to wooe me nor doe mee,
he was soe dull conceipted
I gaue a smile him to beguile,
I made a show to make him know,
I pincht his cheeke to make him seeke
& find some further pleasure, whose treasure
needs not to be Expected.

" I stayd him, & praide him, & p ro ffered him a favour;
he kist mee, & wisht me to beare w i th his behauior;
but hie tro lolly lolly, le silly willy cold not doe
all content w i th him was spent
when he had clipt & kist me, & mist me,
&cold not kisse
then thought I, & thought noe lye,
p er happs his pipe is not yett ripe;
yett an hower may haue the power
to make itt grow in full Lenght & full strenght;
but fooles are led in blindnesse.

" But woe mee, & woe mee! alas, I cold not raise!
itt wold not, nor cold not, doe all I cold to please.
his inke was run, his pen was done
Iacke! art thou dead? hold vp thy head!
I will litter thee & water thee,
& feed thee w i th my neet,
& better, if thou wilt lye besyd me
but all in vaine I did complaine,
his Iacke was tyrd, heed not be hyred
for all my prayers & all my teares. "
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