A-Cruising We Will Go

Behold upon the swelling seas
With streaming pennants gay,
Our gallant ship invites the waves,
While glory leads the way.

And a-cruising we will go — oho, oho, oho!
And a-cruising we will go — oho, oho, oho!
And a-cruising we will go — o — — oho,
And a-cruising we will go!

You beauteous maids, your smiles bestow,
For if you prove unkind,
How can we hope to beat the foe?
We leave our hearts behind.

When a-cruising we will go — —

See Hardy's flag once more display'd,
Upon the deck he stands;
Britannia's glory ne'er can fade,
Or tarnish in his hands.

So a-cruising we will go — —

Britain to herself but true,
To France defiance hurl'd:
Give peace, America, with you,
And war with all the world.

And a-cruising we will go — oho, oho, oho!
And a-cruising we will go — oho, oho, oho!
And a-cruising we will go — o — — oho,
And a-cruising we will go!
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