A Cry at Sunset
Oh, what a sky!
What riot of rose rapture in the West!
Flaming above the gray horizon's gloom,
Behold, a crimson miracle of bloom ...
A god's long-cherished passion full confessed.
Core of a carmine flame were not more red,
Nor hearts of reddest roses, had they bled.
Oh, what a love,
Could such love ever be!
If love so wonderful could come to me,
Could my unanswered, empty, cheated life
But lose itself in such a love at last,
What were the thousand sorrows of the past?
The void, the strife,
My prayers, my tears,
All the heart-hunger of the aching years?
God! What a love!
What riot of rose rapture in the West!
Flaming above the gray horizon's gloom,
Behold, a crimson miracle of bloom ...
A god's long-cherished passion full confessed.
Core of a carmine flame were not more red,
Nor hearts of reddest roses, had they bled.
Oh, what a love,
Could such love ever be!
If love so wonderful could come to me,
Could my unanswered, empty, cheated life
But lose itself in such a love at last,
What were the thousand sorrows of the past?
The void, the strife,
My prayers, my tears,
All the heart-hunger of the aching years?
God! What a love!
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