Cumberland Gap

Lay down, boys, and take a little nap,
Lay down, boys, and take a little nap,
Lay down, boys, and take a little nap,
Fourteen miles to Cumberland Gap.

Lay down, boys, an' take a little nap,
They're all raisin' Hell in Cumberland Gap.

The first white man in Cumberland Gap,
Was Doctor Walker, an English chap.

Daniel Boone on Pinnacle Rock,
He killed Indians with an old flintlock.

Cumberland Gap is a noted place,
Three kinds of water to wash your face.

Cumberland Gap with its cliff and rocks,
Home of the panther, bear, and fox.

September mornin' in Sixty-two,
Morgan's Yankees all withdrew.

They spiked Long Tom on the mountain top,
And over the cliffs they let him drop.

They burned the hay, the meal, and the meat,
And left the rebels nothing to eat.

Braxton Bragg with his rebel band,
He run George Morgan to the blue-grass land.

The rebels now will give a little yell,
They'll scare the niggers all to Hell.

Ol' Aunt Dinah, ef you don't keer,
Leave my little jug settin' right here.

Ef it's not here when I come back,
I'll raise Hell in Cumberland Gap.

Ol' Aunt Dinah took a little spell,
Broke my little jug all to Hell.

I've got a woman in Cumberland Gap,
She's got a boy that calls me " pap. "

Me an' my wife an' my wife's gran'pap,
All raise Hell in Cumberland Gap.

Lay down, boys, an' take a little nap,
Lay down, boys, an' take a little nap,
Lay down, boys, an' take a little nap,
Fourteen miles to the Cumberland Gap.
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