
Welcome, fayre chylde, what is thy name? INFANS .
I wote not, syr, withouten blame.
But ofte tyme my moder in her game
Called me dalyaunce. MUNDUS .
Dalyaunce, my sweti chylde,
It is a name that is ryght wylde,
For whan thou waxest olde.
It is a name of no substaunce
But, my fayre chylde, what woldest thou have? INFANS .
Syr of some comforte I you crave —
Mete and clothe my lyfe to save:
And I your true servaunt shall be. MUNDUS .
Fayre chylde, I graunte thee thyne askynge.
I wyll thee fynde whyle thou art yinge
So thou wylte be obedyent to my byddynge.
These garments gaye I gyve to thee.
And also I gyve to thee a name,
And clepe thee Wanton, in every game; MUNDUS .

Welcome, fayre chylde, what is thy name? INFANS .
I wote not, syr, withouten blame.
But ofte tyme my moder in her game
Called me dalyaunce. MUNDUS .
Dalyaunce, my sweti chylde,
It is a name that is ryght wylde,
For whan thou waxest olde.
It is a name of no substaunce
But, my fayre chylde, what woldest thou have? INFANS .
Syr of some comforte I you crave —
Mete and clothe my lyfe to save:
And I your true servaunt shall be. MUNDUS .
Fayre chylde, I graunte thee thyne askynge.
I wyll thee fynde whyle thou art yinge
So thou wylte be obedyent to my byddynge.
These garments gaye I gyve to thee.
And also I gyve to thee a name,
And clepe thee Wanton, in every game;
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