Damon and Phyllis


W HEN Phillis was faithful, and fond as she's fair,
I twisted young roses in wreaths for my hair;
But ah! the sad willow's a shade for my brows,
For Phillis no longer remembers her vows!
To the groves with young Colin the shepherdess flies,
While Damon disturbs the still plains with his sighs.


Bethink you, false Damon, before you upbraid,
When Phaebe's fair lambkin had yesterday stray'd,
Through the woodlands you wander'd, poor Phillis forgot!
And drove the gay rambler quite home to her cot;
A swain so deceitful no damsel can prize;
'Tis Phaebe, not Phillis, lays claim to your sighs.


Like summer's full season young Phaebe is kind,
Her manners are graceful, untainted her mind!
The sweets of contentment her cottage adorn,
She's fair as the rose-bud, and fresh as the morn!
She smiles like Pomona — These smiles I'd resign,
If Phillis were faithful, and deign'd to be mine.


On the tabor young Colin so prettily plays,
He sings me sweet sonnets, and writes in my praise!
He chose me his true-love last Valentine-day,
When birds sat like bridegrooms all pair'd on the spray;
Yet I'd drive the gay shepherd far, far from my mind,
If Damon, the rover, were constant and kind.


Fine folks, my sweet Phillis, may revel and range,
But fleeting's the pleasure that's founded on change!
In the villager's cottage such constancy springs,
That peasants with pity may look down on kings.
To the church then let's hasten, our transports to bind,
And Damon will always prove faithful and kind.


To the church then let's hasten, our transports to bind,
And Phillis will always prove faithful and kind.
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