A Day Dream
METHINKS that I can hear them churning
Outside the kitchen cellar way ;
Methinks I see the old yard turning
A perfumed green this splendid day.
Methinks I see the pet lamb jumping,
A splendid athlete, he, I trow ;
Methinks I see our Thomas pumping
Some water for the brindle cow.
Methinks I see the bran-mash mixing :
(The heifer smells it from afar)
Methinks I see the farmer fixing
Fences where the willows are.
Methinks I hear them set the table :
A feast no royal king would scorn ;
Dish up the 'taters quick 's you 're able,
And, Nelly, blow the dinner horn.'
The men troop out from barn and meadow
Their faces shine like newest silk ;
They stop beside the cellar doorway
And drink the sweet, fresh buttermilk.
The old man says an old-time prayer,
The knives and forks in chorus fly ;
The perfumed parsnips fill the air,
And Nellie passes round the pie.
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