The Dead One's Message

Could now the silence of these lips
Wake into speech once more to-day
With their sweet tones of old-time love,
What last words, think you, would they say?

" Weep for me tenderly: for I,
Were you here lying in my place,
Would press my warm lips on your brow,
And rain the hot tears on your face.

" For is it not death's sting to know
That, howe'er happy, still apart
Our pathways lead us, while the old,
Strong love still yearns within the heart?

" And when this body's laid away,
I'd have you my low earth-bed make
All fresh with grass, and sweet with flowers,
And sacred for the old time's sake.

" But then, sweet friends, look up and on!
Let sunshine all the clouds break through.
And do not for my sake forget
What for the living you should do!

" Let not the shadow of my loss
Darken the path the living tread;
But let the memories of my past
Still cheer and help, though I am dead.

" These ears can hear your words no more,
However fondly you may speak;
For my sake then, with words of love,
The living cheer , and help the weak.

" My heart, now still, no longer aches:
But hapless thousands watch and wake
Through weary nights and hopeless days;
Help them before their sad hearts break!

" Your willing hands for me have wrought;
But now I need your help no more.
The service you would render me
Give those who suffer at your door.

" Cherish my memory in your heart!
But, lest it grow a selfish thing,
Make channels for a thousand streams,
Of which my love shall be the spring.

" So from the grave I still may speak:
Still help the sorrowing world to bless;
Still live, though dead, and swell the tide
Of human love and happiness. "
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