Dear Son, Leave Thy Weeping

A Baby is born, us bliss to bring;
A maiden I heard loudly sing:
"Dear son, now leave thy weeping,
Thy fader is the king of bliss."

"Nay, dear mother, for you weep I not,
But for things that shall be wrought
Before that I have mankind i-bought,
Was never pain like it, I wis."

"Peace, dear son, say thou me not so!
Thou art my child, I have no mo.
Alas that I should see this woe,
It were to me great heaviness."

"My hands, modere, that ye now see,
They shall be nailed on a tree;
My feet also fastened shall be--
Full many shall weep that it shall see."

"Alas! dear son, sorrow now is my hap
To see my child that sucks my pap
So rwthfully taken out of my lap,
It were to me great heaviness."

"Also, modere, there shall a spear
My tender heart all to-tear,
The blood shall keuyre my body there,
Great rwthe it shall be to see."

Deo patri sit gloria . . .

"Ah, dear son, that is a heavy case;
When Gabriel knelt before my face
And say: "Hail Lady full of grace,'
He never told me nothing of this."

Gloria tibi domine . . .

"Dear modere, peace, now I you pray,
And take no sorrow for what I say;
But sing this song: "bye, bye, lowlay,'
To drive away all heaviness."
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