Death of the Lincoln Despotism

'T was out upon mid ocean that the San Jacinto hailed
An English neutral vessel, while on her course she sailed;
They sent her traitor Fairfax, to board her with his crew,
And beard the “British lion” with his “Yankee-doodle-doo.”
The Yankees took her passengers, and put them on their ship,
And swore that base secession could not give them the slip;
But England says she'll have them, if Washington must fall,
So Lincoln and his “nigger craft” must certainly feel small.

Of all the “Yankee notions” that ever had their birth,
The one of searching neutrals affords the greatest mirth—
To the Southrons; but the Yankees will ever hate the fame
Which gives to Wilkes and Fairfax their never-dying name.
Throughout the North their Captain Wilkes received his meed of praise,
For doing—in these civilized—the deeds of darker days;
But England's guns will thunder along the Yankee coast,
And show the abolitionists too soon they made their boast.

Then while Old England's cannon are booming on the sea,
Our Johnson, Smith, and Beauregard dear Maryland will free,
And Johnston in Kentucky will whip the Yankees too,
And start them to the lively tune of “Yankee-doodle-doo.”
Then down at Pensacola, where the game is always “Bragg,”
The “Stars and Stripes” will be pulled down and in the dust be dragged;
For Pickens can't withstand us when Braxton is the cry,
And there you'll see the Yankees, with their usual speed, will fly.

On the coast of Dixie's kingdom there are batteries made by Lee,
And covered up with cotton, which the Yankees want to see;
But when they go to take it, they'll find it will not do,
And start upon the “double-quick” to “Yankee-doodle-doo.”
Then Evans and his cavalry will follow in their track,
And drive them in the Atlantic, or safely bring them back,
And hold them till Abe Lincoln and all his Northern seam
Shall own our independence of “Yankee-Doodledom.”
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