Decad 6, Sonnet 3 -

Sonnet. III.

A Caruer, hauing lou'd too-long in vaine,
hewed out the portrature of Venus sonne
in Marble rocke, vpon the which did raine
small drizling drops, that from a fount did runne,
Imagining, the drops would eyther weare
his furie out, or quench his liuing flame.
But when hee saw it bootlesse did appeare,
hee swore the water did augment the same.
So, I that seeke in verse to carue thee out,
hoping thy beauty will my flame alay,
viewing my verse and Poems all throughout,
find my will, rather to my loue obey.
That, with the Caruer, I my worke doe blame,
Finding it still th'augmentor of my flame.
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