A Deeper Deep

There is a deep deeper than thought,
Dim sanctuary, myriad-doored,
Where Feeling's miracles are wrought,
Whence Life's immensities are poured.

There whisper voices none can hear,
Shoot quickening glimpses no eyes see;
There Sorrow's lonely filtered tear
Falls drowned in th' infinite inward sea.

Thence, through the glow their birth creates,
Great deeds flash on the world's eclipse,
And words, that spirit consecrates,
Sparkle long ere they kindle lips.

And there, with veil of sunless smoke
Shrouding in shade unholy thirst,
Deformed desires their thought evoke,
In self-destruction pre-immersed.

There holy purpose secret throbs
Blessings to buoy the coming time,
And hoarsely heave the certain sobs
Boding the bitterness of crime.

Beneath an earthy sordid gloom
Upspring elating jets of fire, —
Fresh buds of Beauty's primal bloom, —
The lustral flames aye glancing higher.

There redden sparks so hot with life
They melt the frosts that palsy sight,
And for a moment fevered strife
Is quenched in happiness of light.

And deeper still, below the deeps
Where human life broods on its nest,
A breath the subtile fibres sweeps, —
Deific breath that keeps them blest.
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