The Deity

Exalted far above all height,
Dwells the Supreme, array'd in light,
Unchangeable his nature's frame,
He ever was and is the same;
His being through all time extends,
It ne'er begun, and never ends:
No force to his is equal found,
His mighty pow'r no limits bound:
The heav'ns and earth his pow'r first made,
And, at his word, again they fade.
He, Nature's animating soul,
Pervades, directs, supports the whole:
In him alone all live and move,
The creatures of his pow'r and love.
Of each perfection, he possest,
And in himself completely blest:
What needs he, then, of sinful man?
Avails him ought that mortal can?
Weak, — we on him must still depend,
Erring, — and often we offend:
We dread him as he's great and just,
But, as he's merciful, we trust:
'Tis mercy that endears the plan
Of all his attributes to man.
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