Give to me something to be wholly mine—
Something in which no other can have part—
Something no future moment of your art
Can match or hide or cancel or malign.
You have loved others; you will love again.
In time's wide spaciousness, I can only be
A moment's flash of sun-glow through the rain,
A candle-light dim in your memory.
But I must still go onward down my days
With ghosts of you haunting the day and night;
I must endure my knowledge of your ways
Of lovely wantonness and swift delight.
Dear, give me something, now before we part,
Not to be given again. . . . Give me your heart.
Something in which no other can have part—
Something no future moment of your art
Can match or hide or cancel or malign.
You have loved others; you will love again.
In time's wide spaciousness, I can only be
A moment's flash of sun-glow through the rain,
A candle-light dim in your memory.
But I must still go onward down my days
With ghosts of you haunting the day and night;
I must endure my knowledge of your ways
Of lovely wantonness and swift delight.
Dear, give me something, now before we part,
Not to be given again. . . . Give me your heart.
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