The Departure Of His Mistress

Then wilt thou go, and leave me here?
Ah, do not so, my dearest dear:
The sun's departure clouds the sky,
But thy departure makes me die.

Thou can'st not go, but with my heart,
E'en that which is my chiefest part;
Then with two hearts thou shalt be gone,
And I shall rest behind with none.

Prevent the danger of this ill,
Go not away, stay with me still,
I'll bathe thy lips with kisses then,
Expecting increase back again.

And if thou need'st must go away,
Ah, leave one heart with me to stay,
Take mine, let thine in pawn remain,
That thou wilt quickly come again.

Meantime my part shall be to mourn,
To tell the hours till thou return,
My eyes shall be but eyes to weep,
And neither eyes to see nor sleep.

And if perchance their lids I close,
To ease them with some false repose—
Yet still my longing dreams shall be,
Of nothing in the world but thee.
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