The Difference


Yesterday, the wind it moaned,
The sleet drove fast, the forest groaned,
Yet within all was bright —
My heart, it was light
The birdies were flinging
Their wealth to my singing;
The glad summer sky
It shone in his eye —
For Robin was here,
Robin, my dear!
Ah, little cared I for the gloom of the weather,
So Robin and I could but whisper together.


To-day, I coldly scan it o'er,
This flood of sun on the silent floor,
As it glitters and trembles,
And vainly dissembles.
The birdies outside,
They mock and deride;
And the sky looks me through
With its cold eye of blue;
For Robin is gone —
Robin, my own!
Ah, what does it matter how sparkling the weather,
If Robin and I cannot ramble together?
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