On Doctor Rushes Birth Day the 5th of January—after Ten Days Thick Fog

Welcome once more the suns refulgent ray
From mists and fogs to grace this natal day
This day that with philander blest the earth
And gave in him the milder virtues birth—
Propiteous hour to latest years return
Nor Janus angry face despoil the morn—
See thousands raise to heaven th'uplifted eye
And pay their tribute on this day of Joy
The poor the sick the orphan and unlearn'd
Heal'd and cloath'd and by his Counsel warn'd
But oh the muses sweetest numbers fail
The dear domestic happiness to tell
Which those enjoy where sense and wit combin'd
Furnish a mental feast of taste refin'd.—
See in the wilderness the radient beam
Of Science rising on the western stream
The tree of knowledge planted by his hand
With arts and learning fill the favourd land
And where in quest of prey the wolf and bear
Insasiate roam'd see colleges appear
These works of usefulness shall gild his name
With higher honours in the lists of fame
Than all the Laurels Conquerors ever wore
And bloom afresh when time shall be no more
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