Dont Wait for Your Lover Any Longer

Dusk has fallen. Go home.
Don’t wait any more.
Trees, flats, trees, signboard, trees
In between the slate sky - in the distance, shops by evening
Every scooter, Maruti
Flashes light and turns by the culvert
The same storm that came and went seven days ago
Is coming back again.
On the street dust swirls with the paper bag
The wind’s voice gradually rises to a roar.
What a strange restlessness
Has begun to tremble in the suburban pond’s water...

Go home, wait no more. Go and see
The child you left behind with the nanny
Was playing when he fell asleep on the floor
In the jungle of small and big toys.

[Translated from 'Premiker Janye Aar Apekkha Koro Na' (Bengali) by Oindrila Mukherjee]

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