The Door of the Heart

Tyle the door carefully, Brothers of skill,
Vigilant workers in valley and hill!
Cowans and eavesdroppers ever alert,
Tyle the door carefully, door of the heart.
 Carefully, carefully, tyle the door carefully,
  Tyle the Door carefully , door of the heart.

Guard it from envyings, let them not in;
Malice and whisperings, creatures of sin;
Bid all unrighteousness sternly depart,
Brothers in holiness, tyling the heart.
 Holily, holily, tyle the door holily,
  Tyle the Door holily , door of the heart.

But should the Angels of Mercy draw nigh,
Messengers sent from the Master on high—
Should they come knocking with mystical art,
Joyfully open the door of the heart!
 Joyfully, joyfully, ope the door joyfully,
  Ope the door joyfully , door of the heart.

Are they not present, those angels, to-night,
Laden with riches and sparkling with light?
Oh, to enjoy all the bliss they impart,
Let us in gratitude, open the heart!
 Gratefully, thankfully, ope the door thankfully,
  Ope the Door thankfully , door of the heart.
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