Of Dormus
Of Dormus.
E PIG . 225.
O VR time is short, yet Sleepe (Deaths neere alye
Like a false balife, or a publican)
Doth for itselfe take vp the moyetie;
So man it feeds that it may feede on man:
But Dormus still doth sleepe or dreaming go
To make Sleepe on his time to surfet so.
E PIG . 225.
O VR time is short, yet Sleepe (Deaths neere alye
Like a false balife, or a publican)
Doth for itselfe take vp the moyetie;
So man it feeds that it may feede on man:
But Dormus still doth sleepe or dreaming go
To make Sleepe on his time to surfet so.
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