Doubt, a Pastoral Ballad — 1762

Ah talk to me not of the charms of the mind
Of sweetness of wit or a temper at ease
I hear they possess not the power to bind
The man that I wish to exert them to please
When I take up my harp tis to sooth him to rest
I set it to strains that I know he admires
My only ambitions to live in his breast
And his smile of applause — the muse that inspires
But he hears me with Coldness nor answers again
While Silvia the sweetest of chaunters he stiles
Tho to please him Id meet with the fate of the swan
And singing expire to purchase his smiles
In alcoves of roses hear philida boast
Of the youth that She loves and soft is her lay
But faintly he gleams by Comparison lost
With Colin he shines like the Stars in the day
Lucinda of Damon doth warble most sweet
And damon indeed is the pride of the plain
As their hearts in the tenderest unison beat
But Damon must yield to the charms of my swain
The powers of wit in him have combin'd
An assemblage so bright as to dazzle my eye
His soul is so noble his sense so refin'd
And his voice is so sweet, tis the earnest of Joy
In his mind is encompass'd a world of his own
And dignity triumphs enthron'd on his brow
Belov'd and respected where ever he's known
Soon love and respect into Confidence grow
How soft are his manners — how gentle his air
His smile how it vibrates the pulse of my heart
His presence can lighten the weight of my care
And peace to my bosom ne'er fails to impart
If he ceases to love me how wretched Id be
The woodbine and vilet would soon lose their sweets
The bower we twisted should wither for me
And pleasure and mirth would be chasd from these seats
But he promis'd to love me his truth Ill believe
And try what I can to encrease the pure flame
For his heart is so candid it can not decieve
And I'm sure if he's alter'd tis I thats to blame
Then why should I doubt him he made me his own
And chose to select me from all the gay train
To live in his heart I prefer to a throne
So away with my fears and no more Ill complain — English
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