Down the Stream

Love! It began with a glance,
Grew with the growing of flowers,
Smiled in a dreamful trance,
Recked not the passage of hours:
Our passion's flood rose ever,
Flowing for her and me,
Till the brook became a river,
And the river became a sea

Grief! It began with a word,
Grew with the winds that raved;
A prayer for pardon unheard,
Pardon in turn uncraved;
The bridge so easy to sever,
The stream so swift to be free!
Till the brook became a river,
And the river became a sea.

Life! It began with a sigh,
Grew with the leaves that are dead;
Its pleasures with wings to fly
Its sorrows with limbs of lead:
And rest remaineth never
For the wearier years to be,
Till the brook shall become a river,
And the river become a sea.
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