The Dream, an Ode, 1756

Once more again my mentor fate is kind
And gives in dreams the happiness I prize
Thy dear Society in which I find
The truest bliss I know beneath the Skies
Methought without restraint you lean'd your head
On this fond breast and rested every Care
My hand you took and from the circle led
My willing steps to breathe the vernal air
The fields were green and greener were the groves
The flowers blush'd brighter as we pass'd along
The warblers sung responsive to our loves,
And natures gentle voices join'd the song
Thro various scenes we rov'd lonely and gay
Of books we talk'd and many a page compar'd
Thy works of genius soften'd by the lay
Of her who all thy leisure moments shar'd
My soul was fill'd with inexpressive peace
I said can this be real or do I dream
Or have I passd from earth to climes of bliss
Where souls solace at pleasures purest stream,
But soon I found the source from whence arose
The high delightful pulse that swell'd my heart
I found my mentor mine in spite of those
Whose Cold unfeeling minds would bid us part. —
I woke but the bright scene had so distill'd
Its sweet inebriating portion o'er
My raptur'd sense that with soft transport fill'd
I cried all will be well and I shall weep no more
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