
The bog blossom's golden pistil,
The shimmering torrent's crystal
Fling of its sapphire waters, crested with foam-drift white,
The moorland and scent of the musky
Wild flower borne on the dusky
Wings of the wandering breezes that carry the starry night,

Come with dreams of the wondrous olden
Times, when fancy's golden
Wand lay o'er my boyhood, filling my mind with joy—
I can see the moor and the dimly
Waving gorse, and grimly
The strong man smiles at the yearning that made the life of the boy.

Ghosts of the olden faces,
Voices from silent places,
Eyes that are filled with laughter, eyes that with tears are wet,
Into the days so gloomy
Come in my musings to me—
One who has ne'er forgotten, one who can ne'er forget.
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