On the Duke of Burgundy
A songe made of the duke of Burgeyne.
Thow Phellippe, foundour of new falsehede,
Distroubar of pees, capiteine of cowardise,
Sower and distrouber, reprof of alle knyghthode,
Which of alle Bourgoyne, that is so gret of pris,
Thow clepest thi selfe duc, whan woltow ryse
Ande in pleyne felde do mustre with thi lance?
See how alle knyghthode thi werre doth despise,
White thi owne falsnes alle thi myschance.
Remembre the, Phelippe, ande have in mynde
Howe Henry the w te of werray gentelnesse,
Withotene thi desert, he was to the kynde,
Ande alwa thi socoure whane thou were in destresse,
Defende thi persone from alle wilfulnes
Of alle thi mortal enemys of Engelonde and of France;
Wherfor thou shewest gret unkyndnesse,
The which thou may wite alle thi myschance.
Remembre the, Phelippe, at thi begynnyng,
Whan that thi ffader, thurgh conspired tresoun,
By assent of Charles that callede him self kyng
Of that reame of Ffrance withouten ground resoun,
Was at Motreux broght to his confusioune;
To kyng Henry there thou dedist thy legeance;
Of lyf and land he was thi proteccioun;
Wherfor thi falsnes causethe thi myschance.
Remembre the, Phelippe, what tyme and how
To kyng Henry the fifte, by thi owne assent,
Withouten his desire, thou madest a solempne vow,
Usyng Goddes body, the holy sacrament,
To becomme trew lygman with good entente
To him ande his heires, withouten variance;
Now art thou fals to Gode, by thine owne assente,
The which thou may witte all thi myschanse.
Remembre the, Philleppe, that thou yonge kyng,
Harry the sext, was crowned at Parys,
Johan due of Bedford thine absenc excusyng
By souffisant warant made by thi devise,
He did thine homage as to the ffloure-de-lys;
This matere the lust not to adversité,
With thine oune falsnes and thi myschance.
Remembre the, Philleppe, how peple of Englond
Have bene to the evyr gentil and trew:
For whan thou wer besegede with many a thousand
Of Armynackes, they did the rescewe.
Thow Phellippe, foundour of new falsehede,
Distroubar of pees, capiteine of cowardise,
Sower and distrouber, reprof of alle knyghthode,
Which of alle Bourgoyne, that is so gret of pris,
Thow clepest thi selfe duc, whan woltow ryse
Ande in pleyne felde do mustre with thi lance?
See how alle knyghthode thi werre doth despise,
White thi owne falsnes alle thi myschance.
Remembre the, Phelippe, ande have in mynde
Howe Henry the w te of werray gentelnesse,
Withotene thi desert, he was to the kynde,
Ande alwa thi socoure whane thou were in destresse,
Defende thi persone from alle wilfulnes
Of alle thi mortal enemys of Engelonde and of France;
Wherfor thou shewest gret unkyndnesse,
The which thou may wite alle thi myschance.
Remembre the, Phelippe, at thi begynnyng,
Whan that thi ffader, thurgh conspired tresoun,
By assent of Charles that callede him self kyng
Of that reame of Ffrance withouten ground resoun,
Was at Motreux broght to his confusioune;
To kyng Henry there thou dedist thy legeance;
Of lyf and land he was thi proteccioun;
Wherfor thi falsnes causethe thi myschance.
Remembre the, Phelippe, what tyme and how
To kyng Henry the fifte, by thi owne assent,
Withouten his desire, thou madest a solempne vow,
Usyng Goddes body, the holy sacrament,
To becomme trew lygman with good entente
To him ande his heires, withouten variance;
Now art thou fals to Gode, by thine owne assente,
The which thou may witte all thi myschanse.
Remembre the, Philleppe, that thou yonge kyng,
Harry the sext, was crowned at Parys,
Johan due of Bedford thine absenc excusyng
By souffisant warant made by thi devise,
He did thine homage as to the ffloure-de-lys;
This matere the lust not to adversité,
With thine oune falsnes and thi myschance.
Remembre the, Philleppe, how peple of Englond
Have bene to the evyr gentil and trew:
For whan thou wer besegede with many a thousand
Of Armynackes, they did the rescewe.
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