Dumbaris Dirige to the King
We that ar heir in hevynnis glorie
To you that ar in purgatorie
Commendis ws on hartlie wys:
I mene we folk of paradys,
In Edinburgh with all merynes,
To yow at Striueling in distres,
Quhair nowdir plesour nor delyt is,
For pietie this epistell wrytis.
O ye heremytis and ankirsadillis,
That takkis your pennance at your tabillis
And eitis no meit restorative
Nor drinkis no wyne confortative
Nor aill, bot that is thin and small,
With few coursis in to your hall,
But cwmpany of lordis and knychtis
Or ony vther gudlie wychtis,
Solitar walking your alone,
Seing no thing bot stok and stone,
Out of your panefull purgatorie,
To bring yow to the blys and glorie
Off Edinburcht, the myrrie town,
We sall begin ane cairfull sown,
Ane dirige, devoit and meik,
The lord of blys doing beseik,
Yow to delyuer out of your noy
And bring yow sone to Edinburgh ioy,
For to be merye amangis ws.
The dirige begynnis thus:
Lectio prima
The fader, the sone, the holie gaist,
The blissit Marie, virgen chaist,
Off angellis all the ordour nyne,
And all the hewinlie court divyne,
Sone bring yow fra the pyne and wo
Off Striueling, everie court mans foo,
Agane to Edinburchtis ioy and blys,
Quhair wirschip, welthe and weilfair is,
Play, plesance eik and honestie.
Say ye amen, for chirritie.
Tu autem, domine.
Tak consolatioun in your payne,
In tribulatioun tak consolatioun,
Out of vexatioun cum hame agayne,
Tak consolatioun in your payne.
Iube, domine etc.
Out of distres of Stirling town
To Edinburgh blys God mak yow bown.
Lectio secunda
Patriarchis, prophetis, apostillis deir,
Confessouris, virgynis and martyris cleir
And all the saitt celestiall,
Devoitlie we vpone thame call
That sone out of your paynis fell
Ye may in hewin heir with ws duell,
To eit swan, cran, peirtrik and pluver,
And everie fische that swowmis in rever,
To drink withe ws the new fresche wyne
That grew apone the revar of Ryne,
Fresche fragrant claretis out of France,
Off Angeo and of Orliance,
With mony ane cours of grit daynte.
Say ye amen, for chirrite.
Tu autem, domine.
God and Sanct Geill heir yow convoy,
Baythe sone and weill, God and Sanct Geill,
To sonce and seill, solace and ioy,
God and Sanct Geill heir yow convoy.
Iube, domine.
Out of Stirling paynis fell
In Edinburgh ioy sone mot ye dwell.
Lectio tertia
We pray to all the sanctis in hewin,
That ar abuif the sternis sewin,
Yow to delyver out of your pennance:
That ye may sone play, sing and dance
And in to Edinburgh mak gud cheir,
Quhair welthe and weilfair is, but weir.
And I that dois your paynis discryve
Thinkis for to visie yow belyve,
Nocht in desert with yow to duell
Bot as the angell Gabriell
Dois go betweyne fra hevynis glorie
To thame that ar in purgatorie,
And in thair tribulatioun
To gif thame consolatioun,
And schaw thame, quhone thair pane is past,
Thay sall to hewin cum at the last,
And how nane servis to haue sweitnes
That never taistit bittirnes.
And thairfoir how sould ye considdir
Off Edinburgh blys quhone ye cum hiddir,
Bot gif ye taistit had befoir
Off Stirling toun the paynis soir?
And thairfoir tak in patience
Your pennance and your abstinence,
And ye sall cum, or Yule begyn,
In to the blys that we ar in,
Quhilk grant the glorious trinite.
Say ye amen, for chirrite.
Tu autem, domine.
Cwm hame and duell no mair in Stirling,
Fra hyddows hell cum hame and duell,
Quhair fische to sell is nane bot spyrling,
Cum hame and duell na mair in Stirling.
Iube, domine.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem de Stirling
Sed libera nos a malo eiusdem.
Requiem Edinburgi dona eis, domine,
Et lux ipsius luceat eis.
A porta tristitiae de Stirling
Erue, domine, animas et corpora eorum.
Credo gustare vinum Edinburgi
In villa viuentium.
Requiescant statim in Edinburgo. Amen.
Domine, exaudi orationem meam
Et clamor meus ad te veniat.
Deus qui iustos et corde humiles ex eorum tribulatione
liberare dignatus es: libera famulos tuos apud villam de
Stirling versantes a penis et tristitiis eiusdem, et ad
Edinburgi gaudia feliciter perducas. Amen.
To you that ar in purgatorie
Commendis ws on hartlie wys:
I mene we folk of paradys,
In Edinburgh with all merynes,
To yow at Striueling in distres,
Quhair nowdir plesour nor delyt is,
For pietie this epistell wrytis.
O ye heremytis and ankirsadillis,
That takkis your pennance at your tabillis
And eitis no meit restorative
Nor drinkis no wyne confortative
Nor aill, bot that is thin and small,
With few coursis in to your hall,
But cwmpany of lordis and knychtis
Or ony vther gudlie wychtis,
Solitar walking your alone,
Seing no thing bot stok and stone,
Out of your panefull purgatorie,
To bring yow to the blys and glorie
Off Edinburcht, the myrrie town,
We sall begin ane cairfull sown,
Ane dirige, devoit and meik,
The lord of blys doing beseik,
Yow to delyuer out of your noy
And bring yow sone to Edinburgh ioy,
For to be merye amangis ws.
The dirige begynnis thus:
Lectio prima
The fader, the sone, the holie gaist,
The blissit Marie, virgen chaist,
Off angellis all the ordour nyne,
And all the hewinlie court divyne,
Sone bring yow fra the pyne and wo
Off Striueling, everie court mans foo,
Agane to Edinburchtis ioy and blys,
Quhair wirschip, welthe and weilfair is,
Play, plesance eik and honestie.
Say ye amen, for chirritie.
Tu autem, domine.
Tak consolatioun in your payne,
In tribulatioun tak consolatioun,
Out of vexatioun cum hame agayne,
Tak consolatioun in your payne.
Iube, domine etc.
Out of distres of Stirling town
To Edinburgh blys God mak yow bown.
Lectio secunda
Patriarchis, prophetis, apostillis deir,
Confessouris, virgynis and martyris cleir
And all the saitt celestiall,
Devoitlie we vpone thame call
That sone out of your paynis fell
Ye may in hewin heir with ws duell,
To eit swan, cran, peirtrik and pluver,
And everie fische that swowmis in rever,
To drink withe ws the new fresche wyne
That grew apone the revar of Ryne,
Fresche fragrant claretis out of France,
Off Angeo and of Orliance,
With mony ane cours of grit daynte.
Say ye amen, for chirrite.
Tu autem, domine.
God and Sanct Geill heir yow convoy,
Baythe sone and weill, God and Sanct Geill,
To sonce and seill, solace and ioy,
God and Sanct Geill heir yow convoy.
Iube, domine.
Out of Stirling paynis fell
In Edinburgh ioy sone mot ye dwell.
Lectio tertia
We pray to all the sanctis in hewin,
That ar abuif the sternis sewin,
Yow to delyver out of your pennance:
That ye may sone play, sing and dance
And in to Edinburgh mak gud cheir,
Quhair welthe and weilfair is, but weir.
And I that dois your paynis discryve
Thinkis for to visie yow belyve,
Nocht in desert with yow to duell
Bot as the angell Gabriell
Dois go betweyne fra hevynis glorie
To thame that ar in purgatorie,
And in thair tribulatioun
To gif thame consolatioun,
And schaw thame, quhone thair pane is past,
Thay sall to hewin cum at the last,
And how nane servis to haue sweitnes
That never taistit bittirnes.
And thairfoir how sould ye considdir
Off Edinburgh blys quhone ye cum hiddir,
Bot gif ye taistit had befoir
Off Stirling toun the paynis soir?
And thairfoir tak in patience
Your pennance and your abstinence,
And ye sall cum, or Yule begyn,
In to the blys that we ar in,
Quhilk grant the glorious trinite.
Say ye amen, for chirrite.
Tu autem, domine.
Cwm hame and duell no mair in Stirling,
Fra hyddows hell cum hame and duell,
Quhair fische to sell is nane bot spyrling,
Cum hame and duell na mair in Stirling.
Iube, domine.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem de Stirling
Sed libera nos a malo eiusdem.
Requiem Edinburgi dona eis, domine,
Et lux ipsius luceat eis.
A porta tristitiae de Stirling
Erue, domine, animas et corpora eorum.
Credo gustare vinum Edinburgi
In villa viuentium.
Requiescant statim in Edinburgo. Amen.
Domine, exaudi orationem meam
Et clamor meus ad te veniat.
Deus qui iustos et corde humiles ex eorum tribulatione
liberare dignatus es: libera famulos tuos apud villam de
Stirling versantes a penis et tristitiis eiusdem, et ad
Edinburgi gaudia feliciter perducas. Amen.
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