Easter Praise

Welcome, happy Easter day!
Winter now is far away.
Through the wide-world children sing
Praises to their Lord and King.

Through the woodlands, buds now doff
Their brown coats, and, throwing off
Winter slumber, bush and tree
Wear an April livery.

Now the wind more softly breathes,
Flowerets cast their sober sheaths,
And, to honour Easter Day,
Strew their petals on His way.

Birds that yesterday were dumb
Find their voices newly come,
And from branches all day long
Pour their joyous Easter Song.

Though but little I can sing,
I my Easter song would bring,
And for joy, as best I may,
In my singing I would pray:

Gentle Jesus, King of kings,
Yet the Lord of little things,
Though but small and young I be,
From Thy glory smile on me.

Keep it ever in my mind
To be kind, as Thou wert kind,
So I may be trusted by
Small things not so strong as I.

Then shall birds and flowers bless
My small hands for gentleness,
And in one thing I shall be
In my living liker Thee.

Help me every hour to make
Something happier for Thy sake,
So through all the year I may
Make each day Thy Easter Day.
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