Echoes to Mary: A Spanish Poem

Who gently dries grief's falling tear? Maria.
Of fairy flowers, which fairest blows? The rose.
What seekest thou, poor plaining dove? My love.
Rejoice, thou mourning Dove:
Earth's peerless Rose, without a thorn,
Unfolds its bloom this natal morn —
Maria, Rose of Love.

What craves the heart of storms the sport? A port.
And what, the fevered patient's quest? Calm rest.
What ray to cheer when shadows slope? Hope.
O Mary, Mother blest,
Through nights of gloom, through days of fear,
Thy love the ray by which to steer,
Bright Hope, to Port of Rest.

Desponding heart, what gift will please? Heart of ease.
What scent reminds us of a hidden saint? Jessamine faint.
What caught its hue from the azure sky? Violet's-eye.
O Mary, peerless Dower,
A balm to soothe, love's odour sweet,
A glimpse of heaven, in thee we greet —
Heart's-ease, Jessamine, Violet-flower.

Of Mary's love, who most secure? The pure.
What lamp diffuses light afar? A star.
When is light-winged zephyr born? At morn.
Mine eyes, with watching worn,
Will vigil keep till day returns;
To see thy light my spirit yearns,
Mary Pure, Star of Morn.

What name most sweet to dying ear? Maria.
On heavenly hosts who smiles serene? Their Queen.
What joy is perfected above? Love.
Welcome, thou spotless Dove:
Awake, my soul; celestial mirth
This day brings purest joy to earth —
Maria, Queen of Love.
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