Edward the First - Scene 19
Enter M ORTIMER with his Soldiers [D AVID led captive ] and the Lady E LINOR .
Mortimer. Bind fast the traitor, and bring him away, that the law may justly pass upon him, and he receive the reward of monstrous treasons and villany, stain to the name and honour of his noble country! — For you that slew Lluellen and presented us with his head, the king shall reward your fortune and chivalry. — Sweet lady, abate not thy looks so heavenly to the earth: God and the King of England hath honour for thee in store, and Mortimer's heart is at thy service and at thy commandment.
Elinor. Thanks, gentle lord; but, alas, who can blame Elinor to accuse her stars, that in one hour hath lost honour and contentment?
Mortimer. And in one hour may your ladyship recover both, if you vouchsafe to be advised by your friends. — [ Enter the Friar, and kneels ]. — But what makes the friar here upon his marrowbones?
Friar. O, potter, potter, the friar doth sue,
Now his old master is slain and gone, to have a new!
Elinor [ aside ]. Ah, sweet Lluellen, how thy death I rue!
Mortimer. Well said, friar! better once than never. Give me thy hand [ raising him ]: my cunning shall fail me but we will be fellows yet; and now Robin Hood is gone, it shall cost me hot water but thou shalt be King Edward's man: only I enjoin thee this — come not too near the fire; but, good friar, be at my hand.
Friar. O, sir; no, sir, not so, sir; 'a was warned too lately; none of that flesh I love.
Mortimer. Come on: and for those that have made their submission and given their names, in the king's name I pronounce their pardons; and so God save King Edward!
Enter M ORTIMER with his Soldiers [D AVID led captive ] and the Lady E LINOR .
Mortimer. Bind fast the traitor, and bring him away, that the law may justly pass upon him, and he receive the reward of monstrous treasons and villany, stain to the name and honour of his noble country! — For you that slew Lluellen and presented us with his head, the king shall reward your fortune and chivalry. — Sweet lady, abate not thy looks so heavenly to the earth: God and the King of England hath honour for thee in store, and Mortimer's heart is at thy service and at thy commandment.
Elinor. Thanks, gentle lord; but, alas, who can blame Elinor to accuse her stars, that in one hour hath lost honour and contentment?
Mortimer. And in one hour may your ladyship recover both, if you vouchsafe to be advised by your friends. — [ Enter the Friar, and kneels ]. — But what makes the friar here upon his marrowbones?
Friar. O, potter, potter, the friar doth sue,
Now his old master is slain and gone, to have a new!
Elinor [ aside ]. Ah, sweet Lluellen, how thy death I rue!
Mortimer. Well said, friar! better once than never. Give me thy hand [ raising him ]: my cunning shall fail me but we will be fellows yet; and now Robin Hood is gone, it shall cost me hot water but thou shalt be King Edward's man: only I enjoin thee this — come not too near the fire; but, good friar, be at my hand.
Friar. O, sir; no, sir, not so, sir; 'a was warned too lately; none of that flesh I love.
Mortimer. Come on: and for those that have made their submission and given their names, in the king's name I pronounce their pardons; and so God save King Edward!
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