Elegy on the Death of Mrs Wilson, April the 19, 1786, An

Oh Sad vicissitude of human woe
What heart but feels the poignant anguish flow
So frequent death, and great must be his stroke
He leaves the wretch whose every tie is broke
And tears Monimia from her infant train
Nor heeds their sighs nor hears their moving strain.
Ah who shall guide them thro this dreary vale
Who shall protect them from the blighting gale
The fond maternal arms that strech'd around—
In close embrace lies withering in the ground
That smiling form beneficent and kind
Who markd their path to happiness refin'd
Is now unanimated silent Clay
The spirit gone to realms of endless day
She who to them devoted all her hours
To gaurd from adverse blasts those lovely flowers
Who prun'd the weeds who waterd with the dews
Of mild benevolence, and turn'd their views
To follow virtue in her sacred shade
Low in the ground forever now is laid.—
Her manners gentle and her taste refin'd
And artless reason beaming on her mind
Taught her the mysteries of the moral reign
To sooth lifes cares and all the passions chain—
And mild Religion sweet celestial maid
The heat of pleasures vain pursuits allay'd
While heaven born patience still contrould the will
And sweeten'd every draught of human Ill
Made her well ordered home the seat of peace
And in her mansion dwell't domestic bliss
These were her honors this the female boast
When all the glare of tinsel'd pride is lost.
For such a wound who can a cordial send
To chear the sinking lover husband friend
Snatchd from his arms the virtuous tender wife
He now resigns each prospect of his life
The converse of his friends delight no more
The page of Virgil and the pleasing lore
Of Coke and blackstone vainly spread their store
For grief like his no medcine earth supplies
The dead we mourn but the survivor dies
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