Elegy for Prince Charlie


A LONG farewell to the White Cockade!
'Twill not till doomsday leave the shade!
The White Cockade the grave has pressed,
The cold slab is the tomb of its rest.

As I o'er a hill did stray
On Sunday with a company,
A news-letter by us was read,
And 'twas no tale to make us glad.

Ancient Alba! News of woe,
Us all breakers overflow —
Thy royal heir in Rome interred
In narrow chest of polished board!

Sad my sighing every day,
Oft my thoughts are far away;
" The world's deception, life's sad scathe,
All flesh — flotsam to feed death. "

My heart breaking, I'm undone;
Burn-like from my eyes tears run;
Should I hide that for a space,
'Twould burst out — and no disgrace.

I did once in hope abound —
A marching would be heard around —
Charlie's fleet come o'er the sea!
The tryst forever hath failed me.

There's many a hero and strong brand
To-day behind thee in Scotland,
They in secret shed tears rife
That keen had joined thee in the strife.

But joyless, gloomy, weary stand
Thy loved flock in every land,
A bold troop, a valiant band,
Ready in strife with skilful hand.

Now the harpers sweet will bow
On the tree-tops their heads low,
All living things in strath or ben
Weep in sympathy with men.

Every peak and hill and moor
We have seen thee journey o'er
Have now lost their look and charm,
Since thou wilt no more return.

The young race who thee ne'er have seen
Nursed love for thee, devotion keen,
Their heart is now sunk in their breast,
Since thou slept in eternal rest.

But let our prayer rise early
To the Highest every day,
That vengeance on us ne'er be laid
For our wrong to the White Cockade.

Though good the clergy, I'm afraid,
Though bliss all by their mouth is said,
We shall be seen by tears betrayed
Because we left the White Cockade.

Let us send greetings quietly
By those that will cross o'er the sea
To the place where set the star in shroud,
Who should have banished gloom and cloud,

And be content with what we see
For that we better cannot be,
Our course here will be undelayed
And we'll follow the White Cockade.
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