Elegy, An; On the Sudden Death of a Beautiful Young Boy


Relentless Death! — ah! why so soon
Cut down the flow'ret fair to view!
Pale gleamed the light of yonder moon,
When pest'lence shed her deadly dew

The morn arose serene and clear,
The sun refulgent glowed at noon;
But nought the drooping flower could cheer! —
Ah! wherefore drooped the flower so soon!

By yonder tree (his fav'rite shade,
Where late he roamed with sports and play,)
They dig his grave! there, lowly laid,
Sleeps beauteous C AMPBELL'S senseless clay!

Ah! what avails the tear and sigh
That close, loved boy! thy funeral gloom!
The doleful dirge, and frantic cry
Of Afric's mourners round thy tomb!

Ah! what avails! — But cease the strain;
Ye weeping parents, dry the tear;
See! Philomela joins the train,
And chants a requiem o'er his bier.

Sweetly she warbles, perched on high,
Far from her mate, and haunts of even;
She comes, an herald from the sky,
To greet the cherub soul to heaven!

Yet here, should pensive pilgrim stray
At solemn eve, or fervent noon,
Here may he heave the sigh, and say,
" Ah! wherefore droop'd the flower so soon!"
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