Ended the Vigil of Ages
Ended the vigil of ages,
Ended the Prophets' line;
Forth from the womb of the Virgin
Cometh the Babe Divine.
Out of the highest Heaven
Down to the wondering earth
Choirs of angels descending
Carol the Christ-Child's birth.
One with the Father Eternal
Human the Name that He bears;
Godhead and Manhood united
Veiled in the Flesh that He wears.
This is the King Immortal
Nation by nation shall seek;
Never a child so majestic,
Never a prince so meek.
Clad in Humility's vesture,
Peace as His sceptre of might,
Monarchs approaching His presence
Prostrate shall fall at the sight.
Innocence wears He as ermine,
Poverty maketh His crown,
Love is the throne of His glory,
Mercy His matchless renown.
Homeless and laid in a manger,
Seeming earth's pity to crave,
Ruleth He still creation,
Helpless, is mighty to save.
Blessed henceforth are the lowly
Who of His lowliness learn;
Blessed who showeth His mercy,
Reaping His mercy in turn.
Blessed henceforth who forsaketh
Kindred and lands for His sake,
Counting no burden too grievous
Jesus may call him to take.
Even a cup of cold water
Unto His little ones given
He shall return to the giver
Filled from the fountains of Heaven.
Blessed the least in His Kingdom
More than the Prophets of old
Who in the Babe of the manger
Saviour, Jehovah behold.
Fall at His feet, ye faithful,
Worship the King of Kings!
Angels unnumbered adore Him
Folding around you their wings.
Sweeter and sweeter their carols
Swelling with rapture arise;
Join in the joyful hosannas
Circling the earth and the skies!
Ended the Prophets' line;
Forth from the womb of the Virgin
Cometh the Babe Divine.
Out of the highest Heaven
Down to the wondering earth
Choirs of angels descending
Carol the Christ-Child's birth.
One with the Father Eternal
Human the Name that He bears;
Godhead and Manhood united
Veiled in the Flesh that He wears.
This is the King Immortal
Nation by nation shall seek;
Never a child so majestic,
Never a prince so meek.
Clad in Humility's vesture,
Peace as His sceptre of might,
Monarchs approaching His presence
Prostrate shall fall at the sight.
Innocence wears He as ermine,
Poverty maketh His crown,
Love is the throne of His glory,
Mercy His matchless renown.
Homeless and laid in a manger,
Seeming earth's pity to crave,
Ruleth He still creation,
Helpless, is mighty to save.
Blessed henceforth are the lowly
Who of His lowliness learn;
Blessed who showeth His mercy,
Reaping His mercy in turn.
Blessed henceforth who forsaketh
Kindred and lands for His sake,
Counting no burden too grievous
Jesus may call him to take.
Even a cup of cold water
Unto His little ones given
He shall return to the giver
Filled from the fountains of Heaven.
Blessed the least in His Kingdom
More than the Prophets of old
Who in the Babe of the manger
Saviour, Jehovah behold.
Fall at His feet, ye faithful,
Worship the King of Kings!
Angels unnumbered adore Him
Folding around you their wings.
Sweeter and sweeter their carols
Swelling with rapture arise;
Join in the joyful hosannas
Circling the earth and the skies!
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