Ensamples of Our Savior

Our Saviour
(Paterne of true holinesse)
Continuall praid
Us by ensample teaching,
When he was baptized
In the wildernesse,
In working miracles
And in his preaching,
Upon the mount
In garden grones of death,
At his last Supper
At his parting breath.

O fortresse of the faithfull,
Sure defence,
In which doth Christians
Cognizance consist:
Their victories, their triumph
Comes from thence,
So forcible, hellgates
Cannot resist:
A thing whereby
Both Angels, clouds, and starres,
At mans request
Fight Gods revengefull warres.

Nothing more gratefull
In the Highest eyes,
Nothing more firme
In danger to protect us,
Nothing more forcible
To pierce the skies,
And not depart
Till mercy doe respect us:
And as the soule
Life to the body gives,
So prayer revives
The soule, by prayer it lives.
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