
What lust and pride spontaneous Devils do,
Must that the Spirit of God inspire in you?
Who doing ill, sayes th' Spirit acts within,
Surely he's one can consecrate his sin.
Gods Spirit in still winds, not storms doth vent,
In flames of zeal, not flames of male-content.
The primitive Christians weapons Prayers and Tears;
Truths two-edg'd sword instructs, not cuts off ears.
Like Daemoniack , most are us'd to speak
Out of their bellies, most of our sounds break.
Zeal of Gods Word was unto David meat;
Zeal of Gods Word is now the zeal to eat.
The zeal of Gods house the Prophet up did eat;
You'd eat Gods houses up, your zeal's so great.
To Abram sons, Lord, who canst rear from stone,
Though they a stone Church hate, these stones make one.
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