Epilogue to Henry the IVth

That plaguy Piercy almost broke my back,
Nay, and my wind too , Boy, a cup of sack ,
There's not a man cares less than I for death,
But this curst fighting puts one out of breath.
Well, when the king makes plump Sir John a lord ,
Then I'm resolv'd never to keep my word.
First I'll begin with hostess Quickly , much
She 'gins to talk of ladyship and coach .
A body cannot owe a little money,
But strait the jades must think of matrimony:
But yet a trick worth two of that I'l play her,

Poor fool, nor love, nor money, will I pay her.
If in the street a civil dun should come,
Pray come to- morrow , and I'll be from home ;
If in the hall a number should appear,
My lord's asleep , Sir, in his elbow chair .
When tradesmen grow impatient for their due,
'Tis so long standing never talk of't, Pshew ,
I've good preferment in my eye for you .
For semstress Doll, how doth miss Prue, poor fool,
I'll pay for't , send her to the dancing-school .

If I like pagan gods my shape should vary,
My guts should be a hogshead of Canary;
My bowels tapt should suckle thirsty man,
I'd feed my younkers like a pelican .
Say what you will, 'twould be immortal glory,
'Tis jocund thinking, and I'll end my story:
But now my equipage I sadly lack,
To cry before me, Room there, pray bear back,
By your leave there, make room for noble Jack.
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