Epitaph upon Arbitrary Government

Here lies Old Nab.
The Common-wealth Drab,
That with her old cause enslav'd us.
Great Charles with a Speech
Has damm'd the old Witch,
And from her clutches has sav'd us.

From Commonwealth Coblers, and Zealous State-Tinkers
From Speeches and Expedients of Politick Blinkers,
From Rebellious Taps, and Tapsters and Skinkers.
Libera nos.

From Elephant Baptists, and their doughty Free state
From looking in Newgate through Reformation Grate,
And from their last sayings and Hempen-ruff Fate.
Libera &c.

From Papists on one hand, and Phanatick o'th't'other,
From Presbyter Jack, the Popes younger brother,
And Congregational Daughters far worse than their Mother.
Libera &c.

From Religions that teach man to kill and to slay,
From faith that is coupled with the word Disobey,
And from Sectaries e'er having of another day.
Libera, &c.

From Members that constantly quarrel with the Head
And Subjects that for sterling pay their Sovereign with Lead
And preserve Kings & Government by wishing them dead.
Libera, &c.

From over-short Parliaments, and over-long
From a selling our Birthrights for an old song,
And breaking Mag. Charter to make it more strong
Libera, &c.

From taking away Juries by Parliament Votes
And securing from Popery by cutting of throats,
From a Beam in our Eyes, to cure them of Moats.
Libera, &c.

From Voxes, and Factions saucy Addresses,
To repeal those good Laws of honest Qu. Bess'es,
From Fanaticks rage, and the Popes God bless us
Libera, &c.

From a Bill that to take away Ale and cake voices,
Robs all the old Freeholders, at Elections, of choices,
And enables Fanaticks to make greater Noises
Libera, &c.

From the wisdom of Bedlam, and the anger of Fools,
From the whipping and learning of meeting-house schools
And the Exit of Traytors and Commonwealth Tools
Libera, &c.
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