Eternity! Eternity!

Eternity ! Eternity!
How long art thou, Eternity?
Swiftly, to gain thy boundless shore,
Time hastens, and returns no more.
Like rivers rolling to the sea,
So our brief moments flow to Thee:
Ponder, O Man, Eternity!

Eternity! Eternity!
How long art thou, Eternity?
No spring hast thou, no autumn gold,
No summer's heat, nor winter's cold;
No infant cry begins thy day,
Nor age nor anguish brings decay:
Ponder, O Man, Eternity!

Eternity! Eternity!
How long art thou, Eternity?
How fearful dark in endless woe!
How blest where joys for ever flow!
G OD'S love is glad and glorious light,
His wrath, all wailing, death and night:
Ponder, O Man, Eternity!

Eternity! Eternity!
How long art thou, Eternity?
O Lord my G OD ! here pour on me
Toil, grief, and pain, as pleaseth Thee, —
Here, fire and tempest make me bear;
But let Thy mercy find me there:
O spare me in Eternity!
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