Etheline - Book 1, Parts 17-18


" If I bid blind darkness sing
Hymns of brightness;
If I wield the thunder's wing,
Plum'd with brightness;
Shall my mercy fail to smite
Evil will?
Shall my justice fail to kill
Evil might? "


Mad, yet conscious of his madness,
Long he paus'd — then spoke in sadness:
" Ere the eyes of midnight beam'd;
Ere red morning's banner stream'd;
Ere the sun began his race;
Silence, and the grave of death,
Were my throne and dwelling-place;
Yet I draw an outlaw's breath!
Can I make the desert's tree
Beautiful, and all for me?
Or, to soothe another's woes,
Out of nothing bring the rose?
Yet — all shunn'd, and hom'd with pain, —
Vainly love, and wildly fear,
Vainly heave unceasing sighs,
And from beauteous woman's eyes
Vainly bid a pitying tear
Drop, to cool my burning brain! "
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