Off every asking followis nocht


Off every asking followis nocht
Rewaird, bot gif sum caus war wrocht;
And quhair caus is men weill ma sie,
And quhair nane is it wilbe thocht.
In asking sowld discretioun be.


Ane fule, quhidder he haif caus or nane,
Cryis, " Gif me, gif me", in to a rane;
And he that dronis ay as ane bee
Sowld haif ane heirar dull as stane.
In asking sowld discretioun be.


Sum askis mair than he deservis,
Sum askis far les than he servis,
Sum schames to ask (and braidis of me)
And all withowt his guardoun stervis.
In asking sowld discretioun be.


To ask but seruice hurtis gud fame,
To ask for seruice is not to blame,
To serve and leif in beggartie
To man and maistir is baith schame.
In asking sowld discretioun be.


He that dois all thair best servyis
May spill it all with crakkis and cryis,
Be fowll inoportunitie.
Few wordis may suffice to the wyis.
In asking sowld discretioun be.


Nocht neidfull is men sowld be dum,
Na thing is gottin but wordis sum;
Nocht sped but diligence, we se,
For nathing it allane will cum.
In asking sowld discretioun be.


Asking wald haif convenient place,
Convenient tyme, lasar and space,
But haist, but preis of grit menyie,
But hairt abasit, but toung rekles.
In asking sowld discretioun be.


Sum micht haif " Ye" with littill cure,
That hes oft " Nay" with grit labour;
All for his tyme not byd can he,
He tynis baith eirand and honour.
In asking sowld discretioun be.


Suppois the servand be lang vnquit,
The lord sumtyme rewaird will it.
Gif he dois not, quhat remedy?
To flytt with Fortoun is no wit.
In asking sowld descretioun be.
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