Evyn as mery as I make myght

Evyn as mery as I make myght
ytt ys nott as I wolde,
for to on I have my troweth i-plyght
and a-noder hathe my harte yn holde.

He that hathe my trowthe i-plyght,
he dwellyd with me a whyle;
but he that hathe my hart yn holde,
I wylle hym never be-gyle.

I must take as I have bake,
thereof I have my fyll;
butt I must drynke as I have brewe
wheder ytt be good or yll.

All my harte I have here wrytton,
to send yow yn a byll;
ytt shalbe to your vnderstandyng
I have nott all my wyll.
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