Eyes an ocean making, patience To the wilderness I'll cast

Eyes an ocean making, patience To the wilderness I'll cast
And my heart, for love and longing, In the sea of stress I'll cast.

From my sinful, straitened bosom Such a sigh I'll heave, that sheer
Into Adam's sin the firebrand Of forgetfulness I'll cast.

Heaven's shafts enough I've suffered: Wine but give me; and a knot
On Orion's quiver-baldrick, In my drunkenness, I'll cast;

Yea, upon this travelling litter I the goblet's dregs will spill;
Up to yon blue dome the gurgle Of the harp, no less, I'll cast.

In the heart-possessor's dwelling Is the source of heart's content:
Thereinto myself, if fortune My endeavour bless, I'll cast.

O my moon, sun-crowned, the laces Of thy tunic loose, and then
At thy feet my head love-stricken, Like thy trailing tress, I'll cast.

Since, o Hafiz, fault and folly Is reliance on the Days,
Never more upon the morrow This to-day's liesse I'll cast.
Author of original: 
Khwaja Shams-ad-din Muhammad Hafiz
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