The Fair Penitent

The Powers , who our Honour guard,
Cannot be always on their Ward ,
Cloi was taught this Secret well,
When into Damon 's Arms she fell:
The Shepherd watch'd the lucky Hour,
When Venus put her in his Pow'r ;
The blest Occasion close pursues:
The fated Nymph cou'd not refuse.
But Oh! too soon the Swain was gone!
When Cloe , on her Bed alone,
Reflecting what she did , and say'd ,
And that she was no more a Maid ,
In these complaining Words began
To mourn her Fate , and rail at Man .
Ruin'd! undone! O fatal Night!
O how I dread the Morning 's Light!
Where shall I hide my guilty Head?
Far better Cloe had been dead!
Why did I listen to his Tale;
Why did the Flatterer prevail?
These Cheeks that tempted him, I'll tear!
Pluck out these Eyes! pull off this Hair!
No! yet the horrid Deed is known
To the triumphant Youth alone.
Alas! shou'd he the Crime conceal,
These Blushes must my Shame reveal!
O lov'd Companions of the Plain!
Chast Virgins of Diana 's Train!
Forgive! — — Ah! no; the Maidens pure
Polluted Cloe wont endure!
O curs'd Mankind! detested Name!
O Love! dire Foe to Woman's Fame!
Cupid , who all the while stood by,
Appear'd, and made her this Reply.
Young, happy Nymph , dry up your Tears!
Dispel your Anger , and your Fears!
Learn, these blest Moments to improve!
You're but a Novice yet in Love .
Damon has kindly set you free ;
Diana 's well exchang'd for Me!
The Fruit was ripe , nor long cou'd stay ;
It must have drop'd some other Day;
Better thus early , than too late:
What's done , was so ordain'd by Fate .
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