The Fairy's Gift

I dreamt that Plutus and Apollo
Commanded me their steps to follow;
Away in clouds of gold they went,
And lit upon a farm in Kent —
A County that, in waking prose,
Had never grac'd me with a rose,
No cabbage to my kitchen sent,
Nor paid one pepper-corn of rent.
They laugh'd, and fled; I could not hold'em,
Though I had parchments to enfold 'em.
Awake — I mus'd on farms no more,
Though shy of tradesmen at the door;
Quoth John , " The man that rung the last
Is of the tape and parchment cast. "
" Bar all the gates, " with spleen I said —
" Pope gave the words — I'm sick — I'm dead . "
" The man, " said John , " had portly weight,
And brought you word of an estate . "
" Kent ! " I exclaim'd, — " oh lucky minute!
Parnassus , or the Devil 's in it;
Bring him up-stairs, for Homer says,
That Jove in dreams a visit pays:
The Kentish Farm again is come,
And Plutus here has brought it home. "
" No — that is not the name, " quoth John;
" It sounds to me like H******n . "
The Man of Law, six feet in height,
Grave as a Judge, appear'd in sight:
" You 've an estate in Kent , " said he;
" It 's new, " said I, " dear Sir, to me . "
The parchments on the table spread —
" Your title 's clear of doubt, " he said.
" Alas! " quoth I, " it may be good ,
But it 's a title in a wood . "
" Why yes, " quoth he; " it 's timber'd well,
And half the oak is ripe to fell. "
Said I, " 'Tis an Arabian tale . "
" Right, " said the Lawyer, " 'tis in tail ,
And you are tenant in possession;
'Tis, therefore, now in your discretion
To give us the estate in fee,
A title from all burdens free,
Or, by withholding your consent,
Vest in your Brothers the descent;
Their title you can thus renew,
Your negligence has lost it you .
In short, it stands upon this ground,
Your name shall have a THOUSAND POUND . "
Around his form I danc'd and sung,
Enamour'd o'er the deeds I hung;
" Your name is Oberon , " said I,
" Mab has a finger in the pie;
Methought your personage was airy;
You are no Lawyer , but a Fairy;
You are a Sylph upon a journey,
Veil'd in a Derbyshire Attorney;
Or, to be more at home, a Witch,
That came a Jester to enrich;
Who cares not, if his mind's in health,
What other Clients take your wealth. "
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