Faith in God

In Thee have I trusted, and trust in Thee still,
Though stern be Thy mandate, and bitter Thy will;
For firm is my faith in Thy covenant care,
It yields not an instant to doubt or despair.

In Thee have I trusted, and trust in Thee still,
The word Thou hast pledged, Thou can'st surely fulfill:
The hills may remove, and the mountains depart,
But the names of Thy chosen are sealed on Thy heart.

In Thee have I trusted, and trust in Thee still,
Through nights of affliction, and mornings of ill;
When friend and companion have left me alone,
No solace but Jesus — no stay but the Throne.

In Thee have I trusted, and trust in Thee still,
When the breath of detraction is plotting me ill;
My justice in season Thou bringest to sight,
And makest my dealings as clear as the light.

In Thee have I trusted, through sunshine and pain,
Dear Lord, I have trusted Thee never in vain;
Thou wilt not deceive me, Thou canst not remove,
Thy nature is Mercy — Thine attribute Love.

Oh, sickness may come with its grief-dealing train,
And Death my enjoyments may sever in twain;
The mercy vouchsafed me I cannot forget,
I cling to the Saviour with confidence yet.

Then come to this bosom, affliction and woe,
My hope in Jehovah I cannot forego;
His service before me — His crown in my view,
Who, who could be faithless, when He is so true?

His face may be dark, and His frown may appear,
His tones of compassion may die on the ear;
The joys that I cherish may crumble to dust,
Yet still though He slay me, I cannot but trust.
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