On a false, vain and wicked Ambition

I Want ten thousand Pounds a Year to live,
Or rather that a Kingdom thou would'st give,
I'd make a Tyrant , and would worship'd be,
Then saucy Man , the Slave , should never know,
That he was free , but feel Oppressions blow;
I'd conquer all, like Alexander great,
And like Rome 's Caesars all Opponents beat.
O give me Fame , that with the World will last,
That every Tongue may tell my Actions past;
And then let every Child be taught my Name ,
To keep alive the Glory of such Fame .
Do then, dear Fortune , give to me thy Power ,
To ruin or to raise Man ev'ry Hour:
Let me command the Fates , and spin their Thread ,
And Death to stay his Scythe when I forbid;
Give me, O Destiny thy Chains to tie
Effects from Causes to produce thereby;
And let me like the Gods be high alone ,
That nothing may but by my Will be done .
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